Asking For Help When You Need It Most
A lot has happened since the last newsletter. The Sharks season is underway (we sold out our first home game!), we hired a new Digital Marketing Manager at Fidelitas (welcome to the family, Austin!), but most importantly, war broke out in Ukraine. Ukrainian President Zellenskyy has shown admirable leadership during the Russian invasion, declining evacuation offers and rallying his country to defend its sovereignty.
For all of President Zellenskyy’s leadership exploits, perhaps none have been more important to Ukrainians than his ability to ask for help. Rather than proudly going it alone, Zellenskyy has rallied private citizens (over $54 million in Bitcoin donations) and governments from around the world as reinforcements continue to outpace Russian advances in Ukraine. Now, cautiously, it looks like things might be turning in Ukraine’s favor.
Marketing leaders should follow Zellenskyy’s lead and be willing to ask for help. Launching a pro basketball team in just four weeks served as a staunch reminder of just how much we need the help of others. If it weren’t for our strategic partners and friends in the community, there’s no way we would have pulled off our home opener half as well as we did- it probably would have been a train wreck!
At a time when marketing tactics, technology, and regulations continue to shift before our eyes, it’s never been more important to ask for help. Get a second opinion. Be ok with your campaigns not being ok and ask for help. If you’re stuck, the bad news is it’s probably not going to get any easier. The good news is you’re a part of a large community of marketers that are typically more than happy to help each other out.
A rising tide raises all ships. So if you’re stuck and need help- marketing related or otherwise- just reply to this post with what’s going on and we’ll do whatever we can to help. After all, we’re all in this together.
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